Why brand portals are the future of brand building

Trending 1 month ago

In today's analyzable and often chaotic world, it's becoming much challenging than ever for companies to guidelines retired from nan crowd. Even immense family names struggle to support power successful an era of shopping connected TikTok, Temu and Instagram, wherever alleged 'dupes' and likewise named competitors tin look retired of obscurity and bargain your lunch. And it's moreover trickier for caller companies arsenic they conflict nan cacophony of online sound successful nan struggle to trim through.

In some cases, nan solution is smart branding that remains accordant crossed each touchpoints, forging an affectional relationship pinch nan assemblage and ensuring a consciousness of trustworthiness and reliability.

But successful practice, that's easier said than done. With brands having truthful galore different touchpoints crossed truthful galore different and varied world markets, maintaining consistency while allowing elasticity for section adaptations tin look for illustration a monumental challenge.

The key? Centralised marque portals.

What are marque portals?

Brand portals enactment arsenic nan backbone for brands, large and small. These cloud-based platforms consolidate everything you request into 1 place, accessible to labor and outer partners alike. From marque messaging to logos, creation templates, photography libraries and more, marque portals location it all.

So, what's nan champion measurement to create marque portals? We emotion Frontify, a cloud-based,brand-building level that combines DAM (digital plus management), marque guidelines and templates into a collaborative azygous root of marque truth. In a nutshell, it gives you each nan marque assets you request successful 1 spot each squad personnel tin access.

This centralisation is captious for marque consistency and scaling. It intends nary much hunting for nan latest assets aliases mistakenly utilizing outdated branding. Teams simply log into nan marque portal to entree everything they request to correspond nan marque accurately.

A one-stop shop for marque consistency, if you will.

Speeding up nan process

And that's not all. Brand portals connection much than retention and organisation. They besides velocity up nan process of creating and publishing assets.

That's because they alteration seamless collaboration done expedited contented approvals, easy sharing capabilities, and role-based permissions. This way, you tin empower section teams to accommodate branded assets while ensuring adherence to world marque standards.

And you don't person to return our connection for it. Some of nan world's apical brands person embraced this approach, leveraging Frontify to onslaught nan perfect equilibrium betwixt consistency and localisation. To springiness you a flavour of what this looks for illustration successful practice, let's return a speedy look astatine 10 of them.

1. Uber

In nan past decade, Uber has overturned nan accepted (clunky and expensive) measurement of getting a taxi by offering ride-hailing services done a mobile app. It's quickly dispersed astir nan world, making it a cardinal situation for Uber to marque nan work globally but pinch sensitivity to section cultures.

In this light, Uber group up a marque hub successful Frontify successful 2019 and hasn't looked backmost since. This marque portal makes it easy for nan tech elephantine to negociate aggregate brands wrong 1 cardinal platform. The portal is easy to navigate, truthful users tin easy find nan correct marque assets for its imaginative projects.

2. Nestlé

Nestlé is simply a Swiss multinational nutrient and beverage company, nan largest successful nan world. With complete 2,000 brands ranging from world icons for illustration Nescafé and Nespresso to section favourites, Nestlé employs complete 270,000 group and operates successful 186 countries. And we don't person to show you what a monumental branding situation that presents.

That's why Nestlé has had a marque portal successful Frontify, centralising its marque guidelines and halfway marque elements nether 1 roof. The institution has some a nationalist type of this portal and areas that tin only beryllium accessed by registered users. They're besides building dedicated sub-portals for different merchandise brands truthful that complete 2,000 section and world brands tin use from nan portal wherever and erstwhile needed.

3. Budweiser

Budweiser is simply a ray lager brew produced by Anheuser-Busch, 1 of nan largest breweries successful nan world. First introduced successful 1876, it's coming 1 of nan best-selling beers successful nan United States and is sold successful complete 60 countries worldwide.

Budweiser's marque portal connected Frontify brings nan marque to life. In 1 cardinal hub, they location nan halfway elements and assets for its halfway brands crossed aggregate platforms. Along pinch a world plus room that houses marque assets for 20 different countries, they've built a level dedicated to nan Budweiser Brand World, showcasing nan evolving marque identity, halfway assets, and inspiring contented from different campaigns.

4. Kuehne+Nagel

Kuehne+Nagel is simply a world logistics institution based successful Switzerland. With complete 81,000 labor astatine complete 1,300 locations successful complete 100 countries, nan institution provides sea, air, road, and statement logistics services.

First group up successful 2020, its marque portal connected Frontify has helped amended consistency and ratio crossed nan business. They've since rolled retired nan Frontify Desktop App for each squad members truthful everyone tin instantly entree marque guidelines and materials and created marque templates for galore usage cases. These scope from wide trading assets to templates nan HR squad uses to create occupation station adverts for societal media.

5. TUI

TUI is simply a German recreation and tourism institution headquartered successful Hanover. With operations successful astir 180 regions worldwide, it provides services including circuit operators, airlines, cruise ships, hotels, and resorts nether brands specified arsenic Robinson and RIU.

On Frontify, TUI has built a multi-brand hub to negociate dozens of brands from 1 cardinal portal. Each marque has a dedicated abstraction for its guidelines, assets, and imaginative templates to thief teams execute a accordant personality for nan brands. Some TUI sub-brands usage pre-built templates to create on-brand trading collateral (both integer and print) and negociate nan afloat feedback and approvals process wrong its portal.

6. Trustpilot

Nowadays, if you want to find retired what customers deliberation astir an online service, Trustpilot is nan spot to look. Headquartered successful Denmark, this website hosts much than 120 cardinal reviews of businesses worldwide and intends to bring much transparency to e-commerce.

In position of branding, nan platform's main extremity is to show its marque communicative to consumers, businesses, and employees. So, it's built a centralised portal connected Frontify that makes it easy for users to find and entree each applicable marque materials.

They've created a screen page that makes nan full portal easy to navigate, providing quick, accessible links to halfway resources. They've besides built extended templates for marque materials its users request astir and developed a DAM that's easy to select and search.

7. Grubhub

Grubhub is an online nutrient ordering and transportation level based successful Chicago that's quickly becoming celebrated worldwide. Through its website and mobile apps, Grubhub connects customers pinch section restaurants, handles menus and orders, and processes costs for transportation and pick-up orders.

On Frontify, Grubhub has built a one-stop shop for everything related to its brand. They've besides created templates for often utilized plus types truthful different teams tin independently make on-brand assets without needing support from designers aliases imaginative teams.

8. Trainline

Trainline is simply a UK-based integer obstruction level that sells train tickets crossed Europe. With some a website and mobile app, Trainline allows customers to easy search, book, and put obstruction recreation via a azygous platform.

Trainline's Frontify marque portal is location to its marque guidelines, photography, messaging frameworks and each nan different basal elements imaginative teams request to bring nan marque to life. Its DAM is portion of its marque portal, and it's created organised libraries truthful it's easy to find nan marque assets users need.

9. Tony's Chocolonely

Tony's Chocolonely is simply a Dutch cocoa institution aiming to make each cocoa 100% exploitation-free. In summation to trading ethical cocoa bars, Tony's Chocolonely raises consciousness astir slavery successful nan cocoa manufacture and useful to guarantee amended sourcing practices. A Frontify partner since 2023, its marque level connected nan level doesn't conscionable location marque guidelines and assets. It besides serves arsenic a partner portal that houses toolkits for high-profile campaigns and overmuch more.

10. Leonardo Hotels

Leonardo Hotels is simply a European edifice concatenation pinch complete 200 hotels crossed Europe and 4,000+ employees. Leonardo Hotels offers a assortment of accommodations ranging from system to upscale hotels and resorts nether brands for illustration Leonardo, Kempinskis, and NYX.

Its fully-fledged marque portal connected Frontify enables labor to use and unrecorded retired nan marque to nan fullest. Templates empower users pinch nan company's increasing contented needs crossed aggregate brands and locations. Seamlessly aligned pinch its marque guidelines, its extended DAM set-up has boosted ratio and made it easier for nan marque to scale.


As these examples showcase, marque portals will reshape really companies attack marque building successful 2024 and beyond. By consolidating marque elements into cloud-based, collaborative portals, organisations tin execute singular marque consistency astatine a world standard while empowering section flexibility.

For brands to triumph successful our move integer age, embracing precocious marque portals is non-negotiable. They supply nan captious infrastructure to build iconic brands that radiance done immoderate channel, marketplace aliases medium, and it's clear that nan early of marque building lives wrong these powerful platforms.

To research these marque portals and others successful much detail, sojourn nan Built pinch Frontify showcase today.

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